August 2014

Third & final verge walk of 2014 - all welcome
Featherstone Bridge, 18th August at 7pm

The twenty-first of July saw 17 of us ambling up the no through road that was the A69 before the Greenhead by-pass was built. The verges, unmanaged for many years, yielded over 75 different species of flowers, grasses and shrubs. Such was our enthusiasm that a walk which was planned to last an hour ended up taking more than two with diversions on to the golf course and into Greenhead Cleugh where we saw a beautiful stand of Betony. Lesley Silvera, who led this walk, has very kindly agreed to lead another, the last of the season. This will be on Monday August 18th and we will meet at 7pm at the steep, hump-backed Featherstone bridge. In the meantime Lesley will check out verges in the vicinity and so there may be a short drive to the start of the evening's walk - we've failed to reach the 'best bit' on both previous walks as we started from a convenient, predetermined parking area! Need a lift or more info contact: 016977 47359
We are still keen to hear reports of good or inappropriate management of verges in the area, or the location of any verges which you think are particularly biodiverse, special habitats. Please contact Sue, details above, or Jo Aris 01434 320837

Reel Green Pop-up Cinema - Comrades Club, Haltwhistle, Oct 19th
We have secured generous funding for this day of free films from Northumberland National Park and The Smith Trust. We have provisionally selected 'Furry Vengeance', Transition 2, Schooling the World: the White Man's Last Burden, and the multi award winning 'A River Changes Course' as our feature length films. Undoubtedly pride of place on our program will go to two specially commissioned short films made by Haltwhistle Film Project and FilmAble. Great local food and more entertaining and informative short films will pepper the day!

2014 Global Climate Summit
Here's two activities, one involving a few clicks of the mouse and the other dusting off that tent and showing solidarity with people threatened with fracking in their locality, both in anticipation of the Climate Summit in New York this September.

Reclaim the Power camp in Blackpool 14th -20th August
Just this week David Cameron announced that even more of our country is to be opened up to fracking. But we know this is the wrong path to take. As Kevin Anderson of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research says: 'The science of global warming, the maths of our emissions … lead to the categorical conclusion that shale gas must remain in the ground'. The 'Reclaim the Power' camp will stand in solidarity with the local communities bravely resisting fracking projects. It's the first in a series of mass People's Climate Mobilisations taking place all over Europe in the run up to a climate summit of world leaders in New York this September 19-21. Reclaim the Power has something for everyone - from kids, to seasoned activists to those new to fracking. Come along for the week, or pop in for an afternoon! Further info:

'David Cameron go to the Climate Summit and show leadership'
Please sign this petition, started by Wendy Bond's granddaughter, calling on David Cameron to attend the Climate Summit and show some leadership in tackling the biggest of issues.


First prize to Alice Ritson who's luxurious Bee Hotel was the winning entry in the STS sponsored class for a hand-made 'over-wintering home for bees or other pollinators' at the Gilsland Show. There was a good number of entries, all delightful, and all demonstrating ingenious use of natural, found items.

And to young, green-fingered, Rob Harding - a deserving winner of the beautiful STS bowl, made by Gilsland woodworker Chris Tweedle, for the most points in the fruit and veg classes. This is a perpetual trophy and will be up for grabs at the 101st Gilsland Show next year!

Well done to Brampton and Beyond Energy who have secured a government grant of £20,000. The money will fund a feasibility study exploring the options for community renewable energy projects in their area. The study will look into the feasibility of anaerobic digestion, hydro, solar and wind, and will identify what renewable energy technologies could be deployed in Brampton and Beyond to generate electricity and/or heat. BABE Ltd is a Sustainable Brampton initiative and is a co-operative set up for community benefit. Further info contact Tim Coombe

South Tyne Sustainability aims to reduce the impact of the community of Haltwhistle and surrounding villages on our environment. This will help individuals, families and our community save money and resources and ensure a more sustainable future for us all.

To join STS contact Sue Seymour, 016977 47359