News April 2015

Two inspirational films documenting the achievements of passionate individuals were shown in March.

Garbage Warrior, the first event in our Scale of Sustainability season, was screened in Bardon Mill Village Hall, itself an innovative eco-building. The Warrior, architect Mike Reynolds, challenges the basic principles of house building and creates 'Earthship' homes from garbage; plastic bottles, tin cans and old tyres. Water, heat, sewage treatment and food production are integral to his designs. Mike fought a long battle against entrenched opinions for permission to build his unorthodox, experimental homes in his native New Mexico. But eventually his dogged determination won through - an inspiring story. If you missed the screening and would like to borrow the DVD please get in touch.

Earlier in the month South Tyne Wildlife Group screened Elemental, a three-in-one tale of the power of driven individuals to bring about positive change. We followed people who, with great courage and charisma, disrupted tar sands development in Alberta, Canada; introduced anti-pollution legislation to clean the Ganges in India; and developed radical new technology, based on natural forms, to tackle climate change on a grand scale.

The second event in our Scale of Sustainability season is Building Community on Thursday, April 30th at the Comrades Club, in Haltwhistle. Free entry.

6.30pm Hedgehog Self-build community in Brighton (episode of Grand Designs Revisited).
Light supper, speakers and discussion will follow.

Moyra Riseborough on co-housing and Jenny Patient on housing co-ops.

Full details of all Scale of Sustainability events see
Also we have some great Scale of Sustainability flyers - thanks to Alberta Jones for the design. Please get in touch if you would be able to distribute any flyers and please use social media to advertise our series of events.

Helping the Pollinators with Shaun Hackett, Northumberland National Park

Tues 14th April, 7.30pm, Comrades Club, Haltwhistle

Joint meeting with South Tyne Wildlife Group
All Welcome. £2 on the door.

We'll have a seed swap focussing on seeds of pollinator food plants and seeds of plants that provide food for people at the Spring Plant Festival in Haltwhistle on 16th May. We also plan a series of verge walks, identifying flowers and looking at the diversity of flora with special regard to the value of verges as a resource for pollinators later in the year. In the meantime the North Pennines AONB are recruiting volunteer surveyors and offering training in bumblebee identification.

Wor Space

This is a new initiative run by a small team of volunteers based in the yard at the Whistle Art Stop. The volunteers are creating a unique place for the community to plant and grow vegetables and fruits. The young people involved, who are known as the Klarty Klub, already have their own garden area that they are developing. We need funding and volunteers to help clear and build. Could you help? Then come along on Saturday mornings from 10am and meet the team.

South Tyne Sustainability aims to reduce the impact of the community of Haltwhistle and surrounding villages on our environment. This will help individuals, families and our community save money and resources and ensure a more sustainable future for us all.

To join STS contact Sue Seymour, 016977 47359