News April 2017

Saturday 1st April saw the first of our two 'Get Growing' sessions in the Market Square in Hexham. The wet weather did its best to disrupt our plans but a few people ventured out and went away with the makings of a container garden - for free!
There's a meeting in the bar of the Comrades Club at 7pm on Monday 10th April for anyone interested in getting involved in the container growing project - all welcome.

The second 'Get Growing' stall will be in the Market Square, 10am to noon, Sat 15th April. We have a specific request for Strawberry runnners for this so if you have any to swap or donate, please let us know. We'd also like help on the stall.

Transition Tynedale's Edible Hexham project has veg growing in containers all over Hexham - available for anyone to harvest and enjoy. Find out about this project, their community garden and all their other activities at Hexham Spring Fair on Sat 22nd April. The TT stall will be on the Sele.

STS will be at the Haltwhistle Plant Festival on 20th May with a seed swap stall and entry forms (also available from Kasteale) for the container food growing competition which will coincide with Carnival Week in July. We'll also have details of this year's verge walks.
Transition Tynedale will have a plant swap stall at Hexham Farmers Market on Saturday 13th May from 9am to 1.30pm.
More details next month!

Want to know more about gardening in tiny spaces? Take a look at this website or better still, get along to Transition Tynedales's talk with the author himself, Mark Ridskill-Smith:

GO Local in Ovingham are hosting a local 'Growers Question Time' in Ovingham Social Club on 23rd May at 7pm when a panel of four local growers will answer questions from the audience. The £5 ticket includes supper, full details:

Tues 11th April, 7.30pm, Comrades Club
South Tynedale Wildlife Group
"The Bonny Bits" - a celebration of some of the spectacular and rather rare minerals of the North Pennines with Brian Young from the British Geological Survey. £3.00 on the door, all welcome

Haltwhistle Spring 2017 Walking Festival runs from April 22nd to May 1st this year and includes
a special interest ecology walk around Greenlee Lough, with Jill Thompson, ecologist,
from the National Park on Tues 25th April.

Details of this, and all of the walks in the festival:

Hexham Debates Saturday 22nd April 2017, 11am
St Mary's Centre, Hencotes.

Ann Feltham Parliamentary Co-ordinator, Campaign Against Arms Trade.
'The UK and Saudi Arabia: fuelling war and repression'
Saudi Arabia is the UK's biggest arms customer and most shameful relationship. One of the world's most authoritarian regimes, its repression at home and aggression abroad is propped up and facilitated by UK arms sales. The UK has continued to sell arms to Saudi and to support air strikes in Yemen, despite strong evidence that war crimes may have been committed.
Retiring collection.

Thursday 27th April is crowded with sustainability choices - a film in Hexham or Alston, or a talk in Brampton.
  • The Queen's Hall in Hexham is screening 'I, Daniel Blake' on Thursday 27th April at 8pm as a fund raiser for West Northumberland food bank. Tickets minimum £5.00 donation.
  • Cumbria Action for Sustainability is screening the inspiring film, What are we waiting for?, about a village in France which has transformed its community in pursuit of sustainability
  • And Sustainable Brampton's AGM is in the Cafe of the Community Centre, Union Lane from 7pm on April 27th will include a presentation, Glaciers and climate change, by Professor Mike Hambrey. Mike is Emeritus Professor of Glaciology at Aberystwyth University and has undertaken fieldwork, over many years in Antarctica, the Arctic, the Alps, the Himalayas, the Andes, Norway, Canada and China. He has written some 200 scientific articles and books. All welcome.

Request for items for 400 young people now in Calais without shelter.
Survival blankets, Sleeping bags, Hats, Men's gloves, Walking shoes (size 40 to 44), coats, rain jackets, ponchos, jogging bottoms (size S/M), Warm and dark colour clothes.
David Harrop is going at Easter and will take donations.

To the Whanganui and the New Zealand legal system.
In a world-first a river in New Zealand has been granted the same legal rights as a human being. The local Maori tribe of Whanganui in the North Island has fought for the recognition of their river - the third-largest in New Zealand - as an ancestor for 140 years. Hundreds of tribal representatives wept with joy when their bid to have their kin awarded legal status as a living entity was passed into law. "The reason we have taken this approach is because we consider the river an ancestor and always have," said Gerrard Albert, the lead negotiator for the Whanganui iwi [tribe]. "We have fought to find an approximation in law so that all others can understand that from our perspective treating the river as a living entity is the correct way to approach it, as in indivisible whole, instead of the traditional model for the last 100 years of treating it from a perspective of ownership and management."
Five days later courts in India followed suit and gave similar rights to the Ganges (1569 miles) and its tributary, the Yamuna (855 miles). The ruling, which was welcomed by environmentalists, means that polluting or damaging the rivers will be legally equivalent to harming a person.

South Tyne Sustainability aims to reduce the impact of the community of Haltwhistle and surrounding villages on our environment. This will help individuals, families and our community save money and resources and ensure a more sustainable future for us all.

To join STS contact Sue Seymour, 016977 47359


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