News September 2018

South Tyne Sustainability

Shall we continue???
South Tyne Sustainability has run a variety of projects over the years and is involved in several on-going initiatives. However, as a group STS has not had any meetings in the last year and I have not received requests - with volunteers to run them! - for new initiatives. Is there enthusiasm to contiue STS? Would you attend an 'annual' meeting in October? Please get back to me with your thoughts. In the meantime here is a round up of existing activities and some thoughts on what I think might happen to them without STS.

Haltwhistle Is Something Special
This project, involving mounting poster displays on topics which are local specialities is ongoing; funds have been secured, the text of first set of posters on various local dogs has been written and a graphic artist is currently designing the display. At present there is no launch date as the Tyne Valley Community Rail Partnership has exciting plans for the waiting rooms and it is pragmatic to wait a few months to see how these plans pan out.
STS is not handling the funds for this project and, although HISS was initially concieved as a partnership project with TVCRP, it can continue just the same as a volunteer project wholly under TVCRP.

Verge Project
Two walks took place this year, repeat visits to verges we have been monitoring throughout the project. Lesley Silvera is discussing with Abi Mansley from the National Park the possibility of giving a few roadsides in our area 'protected verge' status after signs declaring this designation were spotted in Tarset. In the summer we were contacted by a local resident who was concerned about NCC's management of a wide verge that he has a long familiarity with and knowledge of. Lesley was able to do an initial survey and add this to the list verges we think deserve management aimed at conserving biodiversity.
A69 RoadLink are continuing the 'no spray' management of A69 verges.
I anticipate that this project can continue without the STS umbrella, simply led by the small core group of committed surveyors and campaigners.

Greenhead Christmas Craft Fair
This supports the Greenhead Farmers' market but is dependent on the managers of the Greenhead Hotel welcoming the stalls into either the Hotel function room or the Hostel. At the time of writing the Hotel tenant has recently left and it is not possible to make any plans involving the premises in December. If invited by a new business proprietor and the management of the Farmers' Market I would be willing to coordinate a Craft Fair in December.

Seed Swap and stall at Haltwhistle Plant Fair
The management of the Plant Fair is now with the Leisure Centre so we cannot be sure that we will be offered a reduced fee table next May, however if we can take a table at a reasonable fee I expect Jo Aris will manage a seed swap and I would help recruit volunteers to mount and support a dislay on a relevant theme.

Newsletters and website
The website can remain effectively as it is with no cost implications. I seem to have run out of enthusiasm for sending out monthly newsletters and placing STS and other sustainability related news items in village newsletters. If anyone is interested in writing occasionally, or taking on regular communications, I'd be delighted to hear from you! We have never been active on soial media as no one has come forward to take this on.
I have a list of email addresses and could continue sending out occasional notices I judge to be of interest to people on the list. There is always an option to unsubscribe from this list. As a community group, not a sales organisation, this is within the new data protection regulations.

Financial stuff
Bank Account
We have £250 in the STS account at the Cumberland Building Society.

STS Assetts
3-fold display board
Laptop - STS has a Toshiba Laptop (purchased in 2010?) of little if any value now.
STS Banner - of little use or value without STS.

South Tyne Sustainability aims to reduce the impact of the community of Haltwhistle and surrounding villages on our environment. This will help individuals, families and our community save money and resources and ensure a more sustainable future for us all.

To join STS contact Sue Seymour, 016977 47359