Sustainable Haltwhistle News June 2023

It was nice to catch up with people at our seed swap at the Plant Fair last month. Thanks to Jo Aris who liaises with Garden Organics Heritage Seed library and brings along a selection of seeds which can't be bought at all. I wish everyone a successful gardening season. And welcome to the new members who signed up to receive this newsletter at the event...

HISS - Haltwhistle is Something Special - was initiated as a collaborative project between South Tyne Sustainability, Haltwhistle Partnership and Tyne Valley Community Rail Partnership with funding from Cross Country. The project aims to foster a sense of community and belonging, and to increase pride in the local area for locals, whilst simultaneously welcoming visitors and introducing local specialities. This is the second set of posters, the first featured local dog breeds, and the next set will be about food and is being researched and written by Zigzag Days.

On the Verge 2023

Please join us for one or all of our short, slow moving verge walks (1.5 mile there and back max) to identify and survey wild flowers on or near road verges near Haltwhistle.

Tues 27th June: 7pm start
Haresby Lonnen to Stanegate, GR: 790661

Tues 25th July: 7pm start
Greenhead Village, meet by church, GR: 660651

Tues 8th August: 7pm start
Bardon Mill, meet by War Memorial, GR: 782646

Just turn up, no need to book. We'll be on paths and/or tarmac. We aim to finish by 9pm. Any queries, please get in touch with Lesley Silvera: 07933326711.

SHARC - Sustainable Haltwhistle Repair Cafe
We are delighted to report that following one pilot event our application to the Haltwhistle Karbon Homes fund for materials and other resources to set up a regular repair cafe was successful.
The next two cafes will be on Sat 8th July and Sat 12th August at Hillside. Details to follow in next newsletter. In the meantime if you'd like to get involved or have any questions about this project please contact Lexy:

We still have the Infra Red camera on loan from CAN. Please get in touch with Sue ( 07935 259416 if you'd like to check out the cold spots in your house.

Get in touch
Any questions, comments or contributions to this monthly e-newsletter?
Please contact 07935 259416

Sustainable Haltwhistle aims to reduce the impact of the community of Haltwhistle and surrounding villages on our environment. This will help individuals, families and our community save money and resources and ensure a more sustainable future for us all.

To join SH contact Sue Seymour, 07935 259416


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